Background: Georgetown Cupcakes is a CUPCAKE bakery (more like boutique, or cupcake bar) located in Goergetown (hence the obvious name). They make 100 "secret flavor" cupcakes a day. They are flavors not on the regular menu and give them away for free. FREE CUPCAKES?!?!? WHATTT?!?!?!? Yes! But there are only 100 of them, and in order to get one, you HAVE to know the "secret flavor" (aka. the flavor of the free cupcakes). Kinda like a secret cupcake club...the password gets you a cupcake! They post the secret flavor on both Twitter and Facebook, so you have to either follow them or be a fan to know what it is.
Since I work in Tyson's I never get a chance to get there and get their cupcakes...sad face. BUT since the "Blizzard of 2010/snowpocalypse/snowmageddon" was happening in DC this past weekend, our boss told us not to come in on Friday so we didn't get stuck. A day off work = GEORGETOWN CUPCAKES!!!
I talked to my buddy Alex @ the bike shop, and we decided that since my bike had been completed (drop handlebars was the final task!) we would ride to Georgetown for whatever the secret cupcake was and ride back.
So Friday morning comes...and I check in with Georgetown Cupcakes. The secret cupcake is STRAWBERRY LAVE FUDGE!!!! Apaprently they decided they wanted to serve a little of heaven on a platter on Friday. Well outside it's snowing, but not sticking, so it's like fluffy rain. I get my butt outta bed (a little hungover from Dawson's return celebration from Iraq the night before) and bundle up to head outside. I walk the (a little more than) mile walk to the bike shop (car was still there from the night before) to meet Alex and get my finished bike (which was waiting at the store)!
Once at the shop, I buy my first pair of cycling shorts (aka diaper shorts)!!! I tried them on, and I felt like those babies at the beach who have those saggy diapers and kinda waddle around. But whatever, its part of being a cyclist and I DID NOT want to have an achy bum after my ride. (check out the info on the shorts at the bottom of the blog).
So I get re-bundled up, and Alex does as well and he hops on his super
sweet mountain bike, and I get on my newly retro-fitted city bike. As you can tell by the picture - his bike was MUCH more appropriate for the weather we were getting, but I looked the part of a cyclist MUCH more. He didn't even have a helmet on!!
We get on the road, and make the 5 mile (almost downhill) trek to Georgetown. Let me tell you....those cycling shorts were like sitting on a CLOUD! I mean, it might have been the crazy nice sella italia saddle I was still riding on, but my bum DEF wasn't hating life after the ride.

Once we get to Georgetown, since I haven't been in the Rev Cycles Georgetown location, we stopped in (mostly to get warm). They crew there was thoroughly impressed (and quite jealous) of how I fixed up my District.
After we made our visit there, we headed to CUPCAKES! Tiernan (the 3rd part of our trio - the 3 of us are the weekend sales crew) met us and luckily he brought a lock so we could lock our bikes up!
We got in line for STRAWBERRY LAVA FUDGE...but they were all out!! :( BUT - we jumped in the major line (20ppl deep) bought some anyways!
Enjoy the photo montage below:
<---Tiernan and I waiting in line. I am SOO excited about the cupcakes. He just looks like he came up from scuba diving (he was SUPER warm but still very funny looking). He got a choc lava one and by the end of it his hands and face were covered in chocolate lava!!!
<---Alex with his coffee & cupcakes
He got a Hazlenut one and a chocolate one I think.
He didn't get the concept of it ONLY having cupcakes.
I think now he gets it though, maybe?
<--- Apes and her sweets! I got a strawberry one, and a coconut one. The strawberry one's icing tasted just like a strawberry milkshake. ME = TOTALLY HAPPY! My coconut was pretty awesome too - but not as good as the strawberry one.
Once we got all cleaned up from our cupcake-ing, we separated from Tiernan and Alex and I headed back to VA.
I was SUPER worried about the ride back to VA, since it was downhill all the way to Georgetown, I was afraid it was gonna KILL me (and my single speed) going uphill the ride back.
I tried to wave at the Georgetown store on the way home, and I almost hit a I decided to keep both hands on my handlebars for the rest of the ride.
The hills weren't too bad on the ride - when it got bad, Alex would pull up beside me and push me up, so I was feeling great! My legs weren't in pain (like they were when I used to ride my super heavy beach cruiser around Arlington!). My bike is so light, it wasn't bad at all!

The key bridge was my favorite part of the ride: wider sidewalks and less people...and FLATNESS! I even clipped in ONE of my feet on the bridge. But once we got to the end, I unclipped so I wouldn't fall. I'll get the hang of these clips one of these days (I hope)!
Once we made it back to the store in VA we got back into non-cycling clothes so we could get home.
It was such a fun trip on my bike! Well, I guess I should stop calling it just 'my bike' now, as we gave it a name. What name would suit my bike? CUPCAKE! Since it was our first real ride (once the full retro-fitting was done) and I like cupcakes. So now Spike has a friend. Spike, Cupcake, and Apes...what a great family :)
So now I want to start riding it EVERYWHERE (well, except to work in Tyson's). I also now know when I get my next bike, I want a mountain bike. That way I can ride in ANY weather - I have to be careful with cupcake, she can only ride in good weather since her tires are slick (but no worries, I'm switching her tires to ones with more tread).
Pearl Izumi Attack Shorts $75.00

So these shorts have the chamois in them (gives them that wet diaper look) but are SUPER comfy! It kept my bum comfy, and I didn't get uncomfortable in them at all. They have leg grippers on the inside on the legs, so they didn't ride up and move around (perfect since I was wearing my tights over them).
- apes (and cupcake) -