I bet you think this post is going to be about boobs, huh? WRONG!
I needed a way to get Cupcake home from the bike shop without leaving my car there, and not running/walking to the shop since I am still lazy (yes, you can be a runner and be lazy!). So I pretty much needed to get a car rack (haha, told you it wasn't about boobs). So I headed over to bike supplier (http://www.revolutioncycles.com/ if you couldn't guess) and picked up a Saris Bones 2 rack (runs for $129.99). It's SUPER easy to use (even though I had Alex put it on for me), light, and holds 2 bikes (in case Cupcake gets a sibling). 

Once I mounted the rack on Spike, I loaded up Cupcake, and we took our first trip....home.
Once home (with both my car AND bike) I got ready for a nice ride on Sunday.
What's a nice ride you ask? Oh, let me tell you.
Apes version: A lovely scenic ride to fellow sorority sister/resident/blogger/friend Ashley Jones' house where lunch is waiting for me.
Real-life version: Hilly ride of hell to Annandale, resulting in sore legs.
Yes, I rode my bike from Clarendon to Annandale (about 10 miles).
Yes, it has CRAZY hills and my bike is a single speed (NO SHIFTING) so I had to walk it uphill about 3 times
Yes, lunch was delicious (thanks AJ)
Yes, my legs were pretty much immovable once I got off the bike (esp since my legs were still hurting from my Sat run)
Yes, Ashley had to drive me home since there was no way I could make it home alive riding on Cupcake.
Now I would like to say this was my first solo ride (and a RATHER AMBITIOUS one at that) and it was ALL street. By ALL street I mean, no bike lanes. So at first I tried to stay as close to the sidewalk curb as I could but then eventually realized that the gravel/sand/etc I was riding on was NOT conducive to Cupcake OR my legs. So I forced those cars to go around me (sorry drivers) in my lane, as I had every right to be on the road as well - I mean my mode of transportation DID involve wheels as well. When possible, I did use the store parking lots to bike through instead of the street, so it helped a little. At one point, I did this and I met with a guardrail staring me in the face. So I had to lift my bike over (I felt like I was training for a cyclocross) and then keep riding.
Luckily, Ashly had some banging sandwich items so I ate 2 of them. Then we hit the movies (she drove) and then dropped me at my place to get Spike so we could transport Cupcake back to her home. Before she sent me on my way she equipped me with a Tupperware of mom-made pot roast for dinner (totally didn't eat it last night, but I am going to SCARF that down for lunch today....mouth already watering for it).
So there we go....bust weekend of exercising, and Cupcake is up and moving! :)
And with my hours being scaled back at Rev Cycles, I will have some time to actually run/exercise during the week (once my legs feel better)!
- apes -
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