First off - I know I haven't posted since last Monday. I guess that means you can tell I also haven't exercised since last week. I know I know, hopefully I can pump out a run today (it's my only evening off AND I have a 12k race on Saturday...THIS SATURDAY).
Now normally I can get atleast ONE run in, but last week my only day off was a Longwood Alumni reception/bball game. We went to the Wizards vs. Lakers (where of course the Lakers won) so I didn't have time to squeeze in any exercise...unless you want to count my liver exercise.
Ok, so onto Spike.
For those who DON'T know - Spike is not an animal. He is my soon-to-be 3 year old Toyota Corolla!! I got him back in 2007 on a weekend trip back to my college (Longwood University...located in the REAL FARMVILLE).
So once at work, I have to call up AAA and renew my membership - so I could get free towing. Spike got his first ride in a tow (he loves his new adventures, even if they will cost ME a fortune). So I get him

- 4 new tires (2 were busted, and the other 2 were almost bald - I already knew I needed to look into new tires, so I was kind of prepared for this)
Of course it's not a nice little chunk of $1000 is gonna be around the total cost. Oh goody, it looks like I know what I will be using my tax return for (if I get anything back).
I guess that's what I get for not exercising last week - now I will be mooching rides, walking/running, or biking (my bike will have its new handlebars tomorrow hopefully) everywhere until Spike is back in tip-top shape!
- apes-
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