Friday, March 12, 2010


Apparently I am now back in high school, and play on the football team. Or at least that's what I felt like yesterday.

I woke up and went for my early morning bike ride before work. Once I got home, I did 2 sets of this workout (using a medicine ball and free weights):

  • Clean and Press
  • Sit-ups
  • Dips
  • Russian Twists
  • Split Squats / Bicep curls
  • Hip Flexors / Glutes
  • Leg Raises

That was my first workout of the day.

After work however, was another workout. K's boyfriend plays on a rugby team and currently they are in their "conditioning" phase. He has offered to let me come to any of their workouts that I wanted, so I took him up on it (my foot was FINALLY feeling better).

I grabbed a quick sandwich for dinner, and K, Baby Bizer (her sister), and I met up the fellas at Washington Lee high school. There was a lacrosse game going on and I was surprised at how many non-high schoolers were using the track!

Us ladies did a half a lap to warm up, and then the workout began. Ben put the workout together this time and he had told me ahead of time to "prepare to be crushed". Here's what we did:

  • 4 sets of suicides (run to a point 1, then run back to start line. run to point 2 -further than point 1- then run back to start line, etc.) - these weren't normal suicides though. When running back to the start line, you had to run BACKWARDS! Luckily, I didn't fall.
  • Run the bleacher stairs - as in run UP the stairs, then back down...the whole length of the bleachers (these weren't bleachers that only seat like 10 people either)
  • Run an 800 meter (2 laps around the track)
  • Run the bleacher stairs again

Now realistically, it was NOT a super hard workout. However, if you have EVER seen me do anything physical, you know I am not the fastest person. And I mean that in a way of which I am VERY slow. There is nothing about my body that is capable of FAST physical activity (unless you count talking as a physical activity...that I can do very fast!). So needless to say, I stayed at the back of the group the whole time. It didn't really bother men too much since the group was guys that play rugby and the Bizer sisters (who were bred to be soccer players/swimmers/etc). I know I am slow - so joke all you want, BUT even though I am slow, I still finish - and that's all that really matters to me. Plus, I didn't see any of you out there on the track now did I?

The worst part of that whole workout was probably the second (and final) bleacher run. I'll get better though. I figure this is a good workout to incorporate into my race training, so as long as my schedule lets me, I'll prob try to make their rugby workouts once a week.

After the guys part of the workout, us ladies went ahead and did some core exercises. We did a mash of Ab work; Kaela let us through a core circuit she does, Baby Bizer then led us through her core circuit, and we ended with a core circuit I did. My upper abs are a little sore today - WHICH MEANS IT WORKED! So I am pleased at yesterday's workout. I like doing core work with other people, because they can give you new exercises to put in your workout, which will help your body develop your desired muscles even more.

So there we have 1st 2-a-day. Now while I know high school football players have MUCH more intense (and longer) 2-a-days, I still feel like I did a pretty good job at my first one.

This weekend: 4 courts 4 miler....I think I may "shamrock up" my running attire for this one!

- apes -


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