Sunday came. It was time for the 1st "Love the Run You're With" 5k (3.1miles). It was originally scheduled for Valentine's Day - and it was similar to a stoplight party (but racing). When you signed up for the race you signed up as single (stupid cupid), in a relationship, or other (similar to - i have a S.O. but just want to get some action while they aren't here). It was a cute idea for v-day but I noticed there were VERY few of us "stupid cupids" with a green bib. (In the pic below Juan has a white bib because he registered a few days before - but he would have DEF been a red bib-er).

It was Juan's first race EVER! He had to do a race in order to qualify for the half marathon (in 20days!!!) so he was a little nervous. He did great though (beating Leo).
Race time: so once we filled in Juan on what to expect during the race (water station, chipped timing, etc) we got in line and started our run. His goal was to keep up with Leo.
During the race, I began to realize that the further back you are, the weirder the runners get. And since I am slow...I get to see the weirdness.
- A woman was running backwards. BACKWARDS! Like I was staring her dead in the face while I was running FORWARD and she still beat me. Awesome.
- 2 girls were running AND butt-slapping. I don't mean a gentle pat to say "Come on, you can do it - a little bit more". I mean FULL ON ASS-SLAPPING. Girl 1 would wind back and slap Girl 2's bum. Then they would laugh, run to the other side of the "lane" and G2 would slap G1's behind (you like how I am using a different word each time I mention the gluteaus maximas? I wonder how long I can keep this up...).
- TUTU runners. I know many people like to "dress up" for races, and this one was "love themed". They wore pink down vests, silver leggings, and crazy pink tutus. Also beat me.
Now, I couldn't see if any of these people were "stupid cupids" or actually had significant others, but i am pretty sure they were all in relationships. I mean are you going to be that weird when you're single?? I didn't think so.
Once the results were posted here were our times:
Juan 26:22 and placed 324th
Leo 26:22 and placed 373rd
April 30:19 and placed 713th
Yeah - as you can see I am slow. This was I believe my WORST 5k time. I crossed the finish line and was NOT happy. I'd blame it on the race starting off being uphill, but in reality I just need to get back to training. I wish I could figure out where you can sign up to get the "fast running" gene. But until then....
- apes -
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