This is me.
Again…not a happy camper.
So we jump on the elliptical for a short warm-up, at which we couldn’t figure out how to work the individual tv’s and then we went through the “Express Line”

No silly, not the grocery store!
It was the line of 7 or 8 weight machines to use. The key is that a trainer can kick you off if they need to. So Spicy and I did the machines while we waiting for our new ab class to start (more about that later).
After our machines, I wanted to talk to the trainer. Here’s the scene:
I walk up to the front desk, to see the trainer
Me: “Hi. How can I get a rock hard ass?”
Trainer: “Lunges and Squats. And our Glutes Machine, I’ll show you”
He walks me to the machine
Trainer: “I like you’re direct questions”
Me: “It’s too early for me to beat around the bush”
He shows me how to use the crazy looking machine. Pretty much I lay down, and push the machine with my back leg, like a laying down lunge, he makes sure I do it right.
Trainer: “I also teach a Sunday morning class on weight training, it’s a class the pretty girls take. You’re welcome to come”
Me: “Ok, cool. I mean I don’t need crazy muscles like you” (he is a body builder)
Trainer: “Well, it’s like a lecture and weight class. What I’m saying is, your pretty”
…and then we went into the locker rooms…bow chica bow wow.
HAHA, JK. Nothing happened further then him telling me I was one of the pretty girls. It still made my morning to be called pretty by a bodybuilder/trainer at 6:30am before I’ve showered.
So back to my workout with Spicy…
This morning a new class started at 7am…HARDCORE ABS!! WOO-HOO!! Of course I was planning on attending, and Spicy was forced to join. So at 7am we went into the studio room, got our mats, and waited with the 2 other women. Then the bodybuilder/trainer (Pat) came in, but just to take the class. Then our teacher came in…Garret. I don’t think he’s our real teacher, since Pat had said Allison was our teacher, and when Garrent came in he asked if Pat was teaching. Once Pat said he was just taking it – I think it’s a requirement to take all the classes for them – Garret started teaching. We did some regular abs, abs with weights, abs across the floor, lots of planks, and abs with the big ab balls. My abs didn’t feel too worked out, but my arms sure did (from holding the weights, being in push-up position, etc). I’m ready for next week when (hopefully) the real teacher will be back and working us like crazy!
Friday is our off day, but Becca is coming to visit for the night, so her and I might hit up the Sauna (finally!) to sweat out our Thursday night kickball drinks.
- apes –
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