Thursday, May 6, 2010

Spicy Speak!

Spicy came equipped to our run with more inspiration quotes.

Piss Lightning, Shit Success I hope this doesn't come out when I pee.

Ok, so there's no background on this one like the bee/racehorse quote but here’s my take. Am I part thunderstorm? I am PRETTY sure lightning does NOT feel good to piss it out. Wouldn’t it actually electrocute me? And what does it have to do with running? Should I be pissing fast LIKE lightning? That would make more sense, but why not just say…PISS FAST.

Suffer the pain of discipline or suffer the pain of regret.

This one I kinda like (don’t tell Spicy!). It def makes sense. I mean if I discipline myself to go further and faster I will be in pain, but a GOOD pain. If I don’t I will always say “Man, I regret not working harder last week” and etc. And that’s NOT something I want! When my marathon comes up I do not want to be saying at the end “Ah, I could’ve trained harder” or “I could’ve sprinted earlier” etc. I want to say “…..” that’s right, NOTHING. I want to have ran that so hard and well I don’t have the energy to speak. WOOAHHH…Apes not being able to speak? Yeah, pretty much impossible, but that’s how hard I want to work in the marathon. It’s not enough to just finish. I’ve gotta finish WELL.

And that’s the latest installment of Spicy Speak.

- apes -


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