Thursday, July 1, 2010

Finally running - and new products!

Well, I FINALLY got back into it. It = running. Duh.

I got home from work on Tuesday, and said "I NEED TO RUN!" So I did.

I decided I need to figure out how to run with water. I've tried the belts/fanny packs and I wasn't a fan. So this run I decided to try carrying the water bottle. I have a water bottle that came with a strap for your hand. (I tried to find a pic, but the product is discontinued right now).

I also tried out new gel. Usually I use GU gel, but we just got in some Banana Flavored Hammer Gel.

So of course I HAD to try it! So I pounded down a serving (that's what she said) and headed out. I didn't care about how far I would go, just that I needed to get some movement in my bones, and some mileage in my legs!

I ended up running about 2.5 miles (yeah, nothing major) and finished the 4 mile loop off with a walk.

While I was walking on the return loop, I got to the Washington Blvd and 10th Street intersection (which is a crazy one with like 6 different directions you can go!). Right before I went to cross I got honked at. UGH - I was irritated at this point because I was so tired. So I crossed the opposite way, and as I crossed, the same mini cooper honked again. DUDE! You're driving a mini cooper, I wouldn't call attention to yourself by honking. I later found out it was one of my friends from my building that I hadn't seen in a while. Haha.

Anyways, on my run I felt GREAT! Well, I realized I NEED to work on my stride (and endurance)'s HORRIBLE! But at least I'm running. I can worry about my stride later.

I also realized carrying a water bottle is NOT something I like. I got a block from my house when I tossed it (I picked it up on the way back home) because I was NOT loving it. So back to the drawing board on how to stay hydrated during my long (as in longer than 2 miles) runs.

- apes -


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