Friday, September 17, 2010

I'm Back!!!!

Hello strangers!!!

I know I know…I haven't blogged in MONTHS!! But, there’s a VALID reason. My schedule. Yes, that’s right, my schedule is so busy that I don’t even have time to sit down once a week and write up a blog L

Why is it so busy you may ask? Well…BECAUSE ITS RACE SEASON FOR APES!!! That’s right readers…I am in FULL ON RACE MODE. Starting with Labor Day Weekend I have a race almost every weekend…check it:

9/5: Half Marathon
9/19: Half Marathon
9/25: 10k
10/3: Sprint Tri

So needless to say, I am working out a bunch! Along with double duty on the job front. Now, while I could easily blog during my TV-show times (Trueblood, the new Hellcats, etc) it’s hard to focus on sweet shows while writing. AND YES, I could blog during commercials…but our Internet is just so spotty sometimes. So there. You have ALL my excuses. I will try to update on a more regular basis (maybe once a week at least), OK?

So…now for the actual meat of the blog:

Back in July I had my anniversary race…the Crystal City Twilighter 5k. It was apparently the hottest day of the summer. So hot in fact, they put “misters” on the route to keep up from melting. There were 2 of them…so not overly helpful, but it felt nice running through them. My time wasn’t my best…but wasn’t my worst! The time didn’t really show too much of a difference that my year of running made L It took me about 15 min after the race to finally catch my breath…IT WAS SO HOT AND HUMID! But luckily that didn’t stop my fan club from coming out: Roomster, Alex, and the cute couple – Girl Alex and Cole (thanks guys!).

Not too much training happened from that race to the Labor Day Half Marathon in VA Beach, but I was DETERMINED to beat those I was running with (mom, sister, and aunt). My aunt and I paced each other, and I fell a little behind on the last mile, so she ended up beating me by 4 seconds (ugghh) but I did beat my mom and sister…by like 30 min!! My end time was 2hrs: 27min: 41 sec. About a minute slower that my half marathon back in March. However, I did NOT walk at all during this race (which probably didn’t do too well for my bad knees) so I was proud of that. The race wasn’t too bad, I hit my runners high at mile 8, and hit my wall at mile 11. But I kept through. That means I have a whole 2 half marathons (or….a FULL marathon) under my belt! Woo hoo! There weren’t too many spectators at this one, but the bands and cheer squad at each mile def were good pick-me-ups.

My knee hasn’t been feeling too hot after my last half, so I’ve been resting it. HOWEVER, I do have a half marathon this Sunday….so let’s hope I am able to run it. Cross your fingers.

There you have it, my latest update on my running adventures. Hopefully I’ll be able to update my blog each week after my race…and eventually I’ll have to start incorporating my adventures outside of exercising (with my move in April to Thailand I am sure to have PLENTY of adventures)!

Thanks for checking in, and special thanks to those on my case about not blogging lately!!

- apes

PS – since I am doing this on my phone, I couldn’t add pix..but if you want to see them, just go to my facebook page (click my facebook link on the left) to check me out in action.