Monday, January 25, 2010

Biking Start-Up

So many of you (if not all of you) know that I work part-time in a Bicycle Shop ( Back in October my roommate won a bike from them, and gifted it to me. While it is a little small - I have FINALLY decided to put some additions on it, make it fit me, and start riding it. Here's the bike:

Trek District: $1099.99
Single Speed, Alpha Black aluminum frame with a slick carbon fork (super light). This bike features a belt-drive system (which means there's no chain, it's a silent belt that requires no lube = almost no maintenance).

So when you become a cyclist, you need to know - ITS EXPENSIVE. That's the very first thing you need to know. Now you might ask, "Why? Don't you just find a bike and your good to go?" Um, you would be quite wrong if you thought that. Once you have the bike, you need the rest of the gear; helmet, shoes, pedals, lights, clothing, etc.

So I finally started getting my gear...

Shoes: So I got the shoes first. Why? Well anyone that does spinning class will tell you - you need cycling shoes. And I recently found out about an opportunity where I might be able to take some spin classes. So of course I needed shoes for that. Might as well get some I can use on my bike as well, right? So I got to work trying on all the shoes in the store (and I mean ALL of them: Sidi, Peal Izumi, Shimano, Bontrager !). I decided the Sidi Zeta's fit me best BUT when I went to buy them...we were out. And the particular pair I wanted wasn't being made after a while of picking a second choice, I went with these:

Shimano WM61: $99.99

(Rev Cycles didn't had to order them for me:
but the comparable ones in stock at the store are: Shimano WM60)

: OK, so you're probably asking why I need pedals. Don't bikes COME with pedals? Well, yes they do. BUT Biking is kinda like skiing: you need your ski's (the bike), boots (the shoes), and the bindings (pedals/cleats). The kind of pedals that DON'T usually come with the bike are clip less pedals. Pretty much your shoes hook or "clip" into the pedals and then you can focus on using your legs to pedal, instead of trying to keep them on the pedals themselves (where you would lose a lot of energy and momentum - when you're clipped in your foot cant slide off). So I needed some pedals that I could clip my shoes into when I ride. Now since I may not always be riding with my biking shoes, I got a kind of pedals that you can clip into on one side, and has a flat surface on the other (when I want to wear regular shoes to ride my bike).

All pedals come with cleats (the hardware you put on the bottom that keeps your shoe clipped into the pedal). So I didn't need to buy them separate.

: Ok, so this would be the MOST IMPORTANT thing to buy. Well, if you don't find your head important, than you probably won't find a helmet important either. I find my head quite important, so I went ahead and once again tried on all the helmets in the store (Bell, Giro, Trek) and settled on the following helmet:

Giro Saros:

I picked this one because it had the BEST fit. I actually had picked out a similar one, but my co-worker Alex up sold me to this one (watch out, he loves to up sell!). I'm happy he did though, as I like this one A LOT better - the look (the other made me look like a mushroom) and the feel. And of course, I made sure it matches my shoes :)

FYI: a lot of people don't realize - but helmets should be replaced about every 5 years.

Saddle: So the saddle (seat) that comes on my bike isn't very comfortable to me, so I am currently testing out a womens Selle Italia that my manager has. Of course, I'll prob fall in love with it and want one for myself...and they are CRAZY expensive! But we'll see. Here's a pic (on the right) of the saddle he's letting me test out.

So after work, we switched out my saddle, put the new pedals on my bike, and cleated my shoes. Now it was TIME TO RIDE! I was excited for my first ride on my bike - and I know the guys at work were excited to see me FINALLY getting into it (they all have awesome bikes, and the best gear). They sized me up on my bike, and helped me figure out how to clip into my pedals (it took me a few tries, but I eventually got it). So I headed outside and went on a ride. I clipped in kinda alright....and then I got to a light where I need to UNCLIP so I could get one foot on the ground and not fall over. So I unclipped my right foot, and was all set. Then I started leaning to the left...and it happened...

I fell. I couldn't get my left foot unclipped fast enough! I am NOT very coordinated on the left side of my body apparently.

Let's give you a visual: So here I am at the stoplight, in the bike lane luckily (but right in front of the bike store - good thing we were closed!). I start leaning to the left and I call out "Ahh, I'M FALLING!!" and I fall over (pretty much felt like slow-motion). There was a couple standing on the sidewalk when this happened, so they of course tried to help (those Good Samaritans!). "Are you ok?" they asked. I responded with "It's ok, it's my first ride". They followed up with "Well, then you've fallen, so you don't have to worry about that anymore! Good thing you got a helmet". Why yes, good thing I DO have a helmet.

So once back up on the bike, I then decided to only clip into ONE pedal for the rest of the ride home. Once I get the hang of it, I'll try both feet again, but I'll settle with just one for now.

Luckily I made it home without anymore falls. ALTHOUGH I did NOT want to ride on Washington Blvd (MAJOR busy road with no bike lanes) so I took back roads home...which meant ALL HILLS. I AM RIDING A SINGLE SPEED! Thanks for the leg workout, Arlington.


I rode again Sunday morning - from my house to the bike shop for work. As I came out of my house, I got a compliment on my bike...WOO HOO! And then I almost fell again. ALMOST! I saved myself though. Whew! So I got all the way to work with no falls (but I had those stupid hills challenging me the whole way again - I'll conquer them one day!). When I crossed the street right in front of the shop - the guys were inside watching me, they all thought I had mastered the clip less pedals! Silly guys - I only had ONE clipped in still. HEHE. But they did say I looked good on the bike - so at least I have the biking 'look' down!

My bike is still at the shop - I am getting some adjustments done to it; new stem (to make the bike actually fit me), new handlebars (they will look like the racing drop-handlebars), and new tires (puncture proof ones!). So once I get it back and I have everything done, I'll be able to ride it a lot more! And since it's single-speed, I'll have some PRETTY muscular legs to show off!

- apes -

Friday, January 22, 2010

Thanks a lot, Mother Nature!

So last night (Thursday) I was off work - which means RUNNING NIGHT!! First I stopped to go grocery shopping, then Ashley (of stopped by. (Sidenote: saying another blog author stopped by makes me sound like a real blogger, eh?)

While we were catching up, I told her how I didn't feel like running at the moment...but after she left I sucked it up and decided to do a short run anyways. AND IT'S A GOOD THINK I DID = I ended up doing a 6mile loop!

I never really know how the run is gonna go, or how long I am gonna end up running until the end. Now normal people will say "I'm going to run for XX amount of time" or "Today I am going to run XX miles" - but not this girl! My train of thought is "OK, let's run" and then I go. Usually my destination is always to the bike shop and back (about 3 miles, give-or-take) and I feel like at least I got a run in. But some days - I'll get to Clarendon Blvd and decide to run down to Courthouse (like I did last night) and then when I run back I decide to run all the way up to Glebe (again, like last night).**

BUT - while I was running last night, I started to feel a little bit of sprinkles coming down on me. Not a lot, just a little bit (not a lot baby girl, just a lil bit - what's that song?)...but then it started getting worse. GREAT, I was stuck running out in the rain. RAIN? Wait - or was it hail? Who the eff knows. Either way, I was getting slapped in the face (in already 30 degree weather) by some sort of condensation. So instead of going UP to Glebe, then back DOWN to Washington Blvd (where my run starts) I just ran on Glebe all the way to 2nd street (where my house is). It was fun to have a different route - I mean, I ended up doing 6miles, so it looks like it worked out well.

Of course, once I got home - it was my favorite part of the run...DINNER!! I sauteed up some green beans and onions, and a pork chop. Man, mix that with a new episode of Grey's Anatomy and I was ONE HAPPY CAMPER (or I guess runner in this blog).

THOUGHTS: so I have 2 ways to do my thinking; when I get good ideas or plan something, its usually in the shower - but when I am thinking about more time consuming things (life, randomness, etc) it usually happens on my runs.
- So last night my though was: RUNNERS ARE CRAZY! Check this: It's 30 degrees out, and you have to go outside. What do you do? LAYER UP - yup, that means pants, sweater, gloves, scarf, winter coat, beanie, etc. But what do runners do? Throw on some tights, a synthetic shirt, maybe a running jacket, (DEF a running jacket for me) and a beanie (well, for me Northface ear warmers). Then we run past all the normal people who are bundled up, like its no big deal. Sound crazy - YUP! And I've also noticed, there are LOTS of crazies out in the winter...I am starting to recognize other runners that I pass on my routes.
- I also thought (yup - lots of thinking in 6 miles) about that old adage: When I am driving a car, I hate runners, and when I am running, I hate cars. How true! When I'm driving down the street and someone is running across my lane (even in a crosswalk) I'm always the first to be like "AW COME ON - HURRY UP ALREADY!" But when I am running, I am always like "YIELD TO PEDESTRIANS, BIA!" and just keep my pace like "HAHA, you couldn't make your turn".

**sorry for those who don't know what roads/areas I am talking about. Move to Arlington and you'll know pretty quickly where I am talking about.

Ok - that's about it for last night...looks like a weekend full of working, so not sure how much running I'm going to get in, but hopefully squeeze at least ONE decent run out.

- apes -

Thursday, January 21, 2010

FOOD ENTRY (nothing to do with running)

I know this is mainly a running blog, but who DOESN'T like food?? I mean really. So hopefully you try this and enjoy it (plus, its healthy - so it fits nicely in this blog).

All over (not just Northern VA) there are CSA (community assisted agriculture) programs. It's pretty much a program where you pay for a 'share' of a local farm and for about 20 weeks in the summer/fall (usually June - Oct) you will get fresh produce once a week. So basically, you DON'T have to grocery shop for food, AND everything is fresh.

This is awesome because it helps out farmers, and some of the produce (usually vegetables) will be kinds you haven't had before - plus they come with a newsletter with recipes.

They can run anywhere from like $300 up to like $1K!! Crazy expensive I know! But it all depends on the size of the share you get, how much variety you want, and how you want it delivered (pick up on farm, delivered to your door, pick up at a local delivery station).

My friends Heather and Jonna had told me about it last year and it sounded AWESOME, so my roomster (Mikaela) and I DEF wanted to do it this year - we LOVE to cook, and you CANNOT fail with 'fresh from the farm' produce.

So we have signed up for a "peck" portion of vegetables, and added a fruit share to it for this Spring. We are ordering from and splitting the cost. For the Peck Share (the same as half a share - a full share feeds like a full family of 4 for a WHOLE week, which would be WAY too much for us) it was only $420 and the fruit share was another $90. So we only have to pay $255 each - for about 20 weeks of NOT having to buy fruits/vegetables at the grocery store. That evens out to less than $13/week for fruits/veggies from the store.

Here's what we will get throughout the season from Bull Run (each week we will get a variety of what is available for that month):

June: Broccoli, Cilantro, Cauliflower, Garlic Flowers, Arugula, Mizuna, Tatsoi, Pac Choi, Lettuce, Stir Fry Mix, Mesclun Mix, Radish, Spinach
July: Broccoli, String Beans, Lima Beans, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Cucumbers, Flowers, Garlic, Hot Peppers, Other Peppers, Potatoes, Zucchini, Summer Squash, Cherry Tomatoes, Tomatoes, Basil, Herbs
August: String Beans, Lima Beans, Beets, Sweet Corn, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Flowers, Garlic, Swiss Chard, Leeks, Okra, Onions, Parsley, Sweet Peppers, Other Peppers, Zucchini, Summer Squash, Cherry Tomatoes, Tomatoes, Tomatillos, Husk Tomatoes, Watermelon, Basil, Herbs
Sept: String Beans, Lima Beans, Sweet Corn, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Flowers, Garlic, Swiss Chard, Leeks, Okra, Parsley, Sweet Peppers, Hot Peppers, Other Peppers, Cherry Tomatoes, Tomatoes, Tomatillos, Husk Tomatoes, Basil, Herbs, Honey
Oct: Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cilantro, Chinese Cabbage, Eggplant, Flowers, Garlic, Gourds, Arugula, Mizuna, Tatsoi, Pac Choi, Lettuce, Mustard Greens, Stir Fry Mix, Mesclun Mix, Parsley, Sweet Peppers, Hot Peppers, Other Peppers, Pumpkin, Sweet Potatoes, Spinach, Winter Squash, Cherry Tomatoes, Tomatoes, Rutabaga, Basil, Herbs, Honey

Our pick-up is on Monday evenings at the East Falls Church Metro - so it'll be easy for us to pick it up on the way home from work.

If you're interested - hit up this site: and you can find a CSA in your area, and you can also check out the pricing to pick which one works best for you.

Once it starts up, I'll prob put some recipes and pix of the stuff we get through the program.

- apes -

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

1st Race of 2010!!

Saturday morning - it was here. MY FIRST RACE OF 2010! Leo and I were signed up to run the JFK 5k at the C&O Canal in Georgetown. So once Mel arrived at my place, we headed out (the runners were Leo and me, and our fan club was Mel and Mikaela).

It was about 30 degrees outside (it got MUCH warmer later that afternoon), and we were FREEZING. Not only were we QUITE chilly, we were also at the most unorganized race any of us had ever seen. We got to Georgetown, parked, and headed to the registration table (which opened at 8am, and the race started "promptly" at 9am), which was MILES long. Like UNBELIEVABLY long. Still can't pitcure it? Picture Black Friday, lines at Wal-Mart long. Ok, maybe not THAT long, but you get the picture. It was a LONG line.

So about 20 min or so of standing in line, the 'hosts' (for lack of a better term) came down the line with the D-tags (chips you put on your shoe so you can track your time) and just ripped them off and gave them to us saying "After the race, just email us your name and tag number".

Ok, if you've never been in a race before here's how it USUALLY goes; you go to the packet-pickup/registration table and give your name. They then give you a bag with your BIB (the number you pin to your shirt) and your D-Tag - both of which are already recorded to be tied back to you. Sometimes the bag also has fliers for other races as well, but not always.

So as you can see, this was QUITE strange since noone would have record of us running, our d-tag number, or even if we had paid. And we didn't even get Bibs to run in :(

So we gather under the bridge and wait to line up. Oh, little did we know we would be hanging out for like 30-40 more minutes - IN THE FREEZING COLD! So Leo and I bounce around (wasting precious running energy) trying to stay warm.

It turns out the 20k (yeah, there was a 5k and 20k - but we decided to start small with a 5k) started further back then us, so once they were all lined up, they had to run past our start line, and THEN we could line up and run.

Once we FINALLY got lined up, we got to start. I tried to stay with Leo as long as possible - but when he cut all the way to the left, everyone formed a brick wall and I wasn't able to get over, so I lost him. That wasn't before I saw a dead deer on the side of the trail we were running on though.

So once the race was over (Leo of course beat me) my gun time looked to be about 29:17 (I would offer up my net time, but the results arent up yet).

Leo was at the finish so we grabbed some gatorade and went to the car (the girls weren't at the finish so we hoped they were at the car since they had our phones and keys!). Luckily on the way to the car they ended up behind us, so we found them.

Eventhough the race was FREEZING, it was still a decent run. HOWEVER I did realize things I hate in a race:

- JACKRABBITS. You might know this term from driving. The person in front of you is driving slow, so you change lanes to pass them and then they speed up so you can't pass. In running, it's very similar, but there is a twist: you're running your own pace, and a person comes around to pass you, but when they get in front of you they slow down, making YOU change your pace to suit them. It's QUITE annoying - ESPECIALLY when there is a ton of room around you for them to run in.
- STROLLERS. Ok, now I know some parents LOVE to run with their children, hence the running strollers. But seriously, can you feel anymore like a slow-poke when one of them passes you??!? I don't care HOW slow of a runner you are, and HOW LONG they have been running, it's STILL a slap in the face.
- RACE START-UP CLUSTERFUCK. Ok seriously, we ALL are running the same race. We ALL are starting at the same time. So the fast people need to be in front, the moderate runners should be in the middle, and the slow runners should be in back. And if you're running in a group, get in the back too. It's hard enough to start out and find your pace without a million people bumping past you, or your being stuck behind a slow person (sorry in advance if you get stuck behind me - but I try to start in the middle). This ends up resulting in people running on the grass (if your racing on a trail), sidewalks (if your running on a street course), etc. and they can injur themselves (leo twisted his ankle some in the beginning of the race). And if you're running in a group: DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO RUN AROUND A GROUP OF 3 OR MORE PEOPLE SPREAD OUT ACROSS THE LENGTH OF THE PATH?!?!?! Seriously, it's ridiculous.
- END OF RACE CLUSTERFUCK (not as bad as start-up). Ok, when you cross the finish line, you're tired. You're out of breathe, and you just want to stop. SO DOES EVERYONE ELSE. But if you stop dead in your tracks as soon as the race is over, you're GONNA get run into. Everyone behind you is still running at full speed to the finish line, so get out of the way. Just move to the side and keep walking to cool down. Or head to the food/drink station to recover.

So, there we go. It looks like 2010 is off and running (pun intended)...

- apes -

Thursday, January 14, 2010

New Running Tights!

So last night it was about 35 degrees (Fahrenheit) outside, but since it was my only free evening for the week, it was my only chance to run.

LUCKILY I had just bought some new running tights from so I got to try them out (product info below). They were AWESOME! I am SUPER STOKED that I got them (you can tell how excited I am by the capitalization, right?)!

Anyways, so once again I layered up and headed out. This time I brought some GU energy gel with me(see below for product info). For Christmas I had bought the limited edition Holiday Flavored GU (Mint Chocolate and Vanilla Gingerbread). I have already trued the Mint Chocolate (MAJORLY DELICIOUS!) and yesterday I took the Vanilla Gingerbread with me on my run. Whenever I get caught by a traffic light, I just squeeze out a little and it helps to keep my nutrient-filled. When I tried the Vanilla Gingerbread last night, IT WAS LIKE EATING CHRISTMAS! I usually don't like gingerbread - but in a GU form, it's pretty banging. I felt like all the Hoo's in Hooville were having a huge party in my mouth!

OK, so back to the run...usually my music is sweet pump up music (think: Black eyed Peas, Lady (or man) Gaga, 3Oh3!, Jay Z, Beyonce (not the slow stuff), Cobra Starship, and whatever other stuff you can find on MTV in the mornings). But last night, I was in a 'let's go on a chill kinda run' (if those even exist) kinda mood. So I put on a bunch of John Mayer, Kings of Leon, etc. (more VH1 type of music) onto my IPod and set out.

Let me tell you - switching up music on your run is always key to keeping your workouts exciting (hey, you gotta do what you can to keep working out as something exciting), but a whole different GENRE of music? EVEN BETTER! I just trucked along with the sweet sound of Mr. Mayer and the likes coming through my headphones, and man did my running change! I didn't feel like I had to run super fast to keep up with the beat, I just kept a steady pace throughout my whole run. It was a nice change!! I think I'll be using that same playlist for Saturday's race. YUP - you heard right! I have my first 2010 race THIS SATURDAY!!! I'll tell you more about that in a few...back to YESTERDAY's run....According to I ran about 3.32 miles nonstop. GO ME! And big thanks to my VH1 music genre for keeping me at a solid pace!

Then I got home and did a little bit of lunges (because I felt my legs hadn't suffered enough - and because on NYE people made comments that my butt was shrinking!) and then of course some abs - nothing like a hard/flat core in the winter to make bathing suit season preparation easy!

Then came the BEST part...DINNER! While this part is unrelated to running, I don't care. I haven't had any time to actually prepare and eat dinner. So I put some chicken in the oven, then sauteed some onions and portobello mushrooms (I have had a weird desire to eat these ALL the time lately) and MAN, was it tasty! I forgot how much I like cooking and eating a good dinner.

OK, so about my UPCOMING RACE -My first race of 2010 is THIS Saturday! Its the JFK 5k and Leo is going to be running it also. I would LOVE to finally beat him in a race, but even though he hasn't been running, I highly doubt it'll happen. I will of course have my #1 fan with me - Mel. She hasn't missed a race of mine yet! Hopefully I can get like a 25min final time in, but I'll be happy to beat my previous time of 29min. It'll also be my first race in my REAL race attire (my Gore jacket, and my Pearl Izumi tights) so even if I run slow as molasses at least I'll LOOK like a real runner! Wish me luck!!

Pearl Izumi Slice ThermaFleece Tights
(My tights are actually Thermafleece Zip Tights that were on sale - but the Slice tights are very similar) These tights are warm - but not overly fleece-y so you get too hot while running. They were PERFECT for the 30 degree weather I ran in yesterday. They zip at the bottom, so tuck your socks in and they'll stay tucked in! There's also a mini pocket in the back that's the PERFECT fit for a pack of GU (the mini pocket was in my Zip Tights, so I am not 100% sure if they are also in the Slice Tights). These retail for about $85.00 and you can grab them at Revolution Cycles.

GU Energy Gel
So this is basically a way to get nutrients while your on long runs. It's a weird gel material, but comes in a TON of flavors (and small packaging) so you can just use the flavors you like. If you're gonna try it out, DON'T try the plain flavor as your first try (because obviously it's a plainly boring taste. But if you're a boring person, you might like it). The chocolate (if you like chocolate - um, EVERYONE) tastes EXACTLY like chocolate icing...who DOESN'T want to eat some chocolate while running (or doing anything, really)???? These retail for around $1.35 a pack (but a lot of GU comes in one pack, so you can split it between runs - I do).
- apes -

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Can you survive without a car?

Since the whole world is on this whole "Let's Be Green Thing" - do YOU think you could survive without a car? No? What about just for 30 days? WHY NOT FIND OUT??

So of course there's a contest....there's a site ( that is hosting a contest to find 2 people to go without a car for a full 30 days. Cool idea, but why bother you ask? EASY - check out what you win:

- A SmarTrip Card (for the metro) ALREADY loaded with monthly fare value
- A BIKE!! Also a helmet, lock, and bag (all from Revolution Cycles)
- Pacers gift certificate for new running/walking shoes
- 2 month gym membership to Fitness First Gym
- Zipcar membership and monthly driving credits

And you don't even have to do crazy stuff. All you have to do is not use a car for 30 days (I think it starts in May - so you won't be in like 30 degree weather) and then blog/twitter/facebook/etc. about it.

It's super easy to enter: go to their site (above) and just fill out the application and submit a 30 sec to 2 min video of why YOU are a car-free skeptic. Oh yeah, you have to enter by Feb. 28th.

But pretty much the jist is: submit a video, win free stuff, use your free stuff instead of a car for 30 days and write about it. THAT'S LIKE SOMEONE PAYING YOU TO WORK OUT!

**Check out the site for all the rules, conditions, etc.

- apes -

Monday, January 11, 2010

Weekend Workout

Since I worked all day Saturday and then went out to celebrate Juan's birthday (my very FIRST college friend!) I didn't get a chance to get in a run on Saturday.

So Sunday morning I got up before work and decided to do SOME kind of exercise. I figured it was too cold (and I was being a little lazy) to try to get my butt out the door on a run, so I decided to do a little indoor free weights (and I could keep watching TV while I did so). I did an old circuit training workout that my friend Brian had sent me (before he joined the USCG):

Do the following in order (12-15 reps) and repeat for 2-3 sets.
1. Clean and press: hold free weights at waist, lift to shoulders, then press up (easiest to pretend the weights are the bar you add weights to)
2. T-Pushups: push up position, then turn your whole body to the left, lifting your arm in the air, bring back down and do the right side
3. Sit-ups: any kind of sit-ups (make sure to do these at a moderate to slow pace)
4. Dips: using a bench (I use a coffee table) put your hands on the bench with your feet flat out (like your sitting) then dip your body down and use your arms (triceps) to pull your body back up
5. Russian Twists: get in sit-up position and using a medicine ball (you can also use a weight, or nothing at all) and twist your body to have the medicine ball touch the floor directly behind the the right side of your body and then all the way to your left (one motion)
6. Split Squats/Bicep Curls: get in lunge position, with a weight in each hand. Lower your body for a lunge, then once back up, do a bicep curl. After completing one side, switch and do the same on the other side
7. Hip Flexors: get back in the sit-up position, lift your hips (keeping feet flat on floor) all the way up, then pulsate it up and down
8: Leg Raises: lay down, with legs straight in front. Use ab muscles to bring legs all the way up, then back down (don't let them touch the floor) and repeat

I tried to be as detailed as possible in the descriptions, but if they don't make sense, just google the exercise and you should be able to find a YouTube video showing you what to do.

After that circuit workout, I did a few more abs -

Plank: get in pushup position and keeping your body level stay in the UP position (make sure to be on your elbows, and not all the way up on your hands)
V100: can't remember what it's normally called, but get in a V position (butt on ground, body and legs off the ground) with your arms on either side of your body, and pulsate your arms 100counts. Breath in/out every 5 counts.

Of course the most important thing is to make sure your stretch BEFORE AND AFTER you workout, unless of course you like feeling completely sore all over, in which case - you're a moron.

While at work on Sunday, I picked up some new running tights - so I will make sure I give you guys the reviews on them when I get a chance to actually run this week (looks like it'll probably be Wed due to my schedule).

So apparently this weekend, the most common recipe my friends were making were lettuce wraps. I can totally understand why: EASY, CHEAP, HEALTHY!

If you wanna make them yourself and can't figure out how (it's as easy as adding 2 and 2 and getting 4, but whatever) here ya go:

Take a lettuce leaf and fill it with anything you want (I like to put carrots, bell peppers - all colors, rice, and cut up chicken in mine). If you want some flavor, pour some soy sauce on it. MMMMM. That's it.

Told you it was easy. I am sure there are some way more complex recipes for them out there, but why mess with something that's not broken, eh? (sorry been watching a lot of Degrassi lately, so 'eh' has slowly been entering my daily vocabulary).

- apes -

Friday, January 8, 2010

New Jacket!

While this wasn't my first run of 2010 (I ran NY day while I was in Dewey Beach) it was my first "let's get back to it" run. It was like 35 degrees, so I had to bundle up. I went to my drawer of running clothes (yes, I have dedicated a whole drawer to running apparel) I realized the following:

1) My running pants were in the hamper. Normally I wouldn't care and would wear them anyways BUT they were in the hamper from jumping into the ocean after my run in Dewey. Needless to say, those were NOT wearable for my run (looks like I'm doing laundry tonight).
2) The rest of my running attire was covered in sand (also from running into the ocean after my run, but these I had stripped off and left in the sand while I frolicked in the water).

So there was my omen for "this run is gonna suck". I proceeded to go for it anyways. Instead of my normal running pants, I had to wear my Capri's with soccer socks (not the most fun when it's freezing). Luckily, I had just gotten a new jacket from the bike shop. It is a Red Lady Phantom Jacket (more info/pic below), so I got to try it out finally! I got all bundled in my new jacket, headband, gloves (fingerless since my hands get hot), and my reflector light (more info/pic below) and hit the pavement.

According to my route was about a 3.5mile loop, but I only ran a little over 2miles of it. Not my best work.

When I got home, I planned on doing a little ab workout, but got distracted by the sushi in my Fridge (prob not the best to eat after a run) so I skipped out on the abs. I guess I'll have to do that tonight.

I have officially signed up for my first race in 2010! On Jan. 16Th @ 9am I will be doing the JFK 5k run (just a small one to start off the year). So hopefully I can get in another run before the race! If you're interested in running it (there's also a 20K too) here's the site:

Gore Lady Phantom Jacket
This is my new jacket. It is made of Windstopper Material, which means it can withstand up to 80mph winds (and yes, it works). When it gets warmer, I can zip the sleeves off to make it short-sleeved. It doesn't have side pockets, but does have a back pouch to put keys, ID, etc. in. It retails for $160 - but is SOO worth it!

Trek Flashing LED Band (officially called Flare S Multi-purpose LED light)
This is my "safety light". It lights up, and flashes, so cars can see me in the dark (thank you Daylight Savings Time, or whatever we are on right now). You can wear it around your arm, as a headband, as a collar for your pet, etc. I wear it around my leg, on the leg that will closest to the street I am running on (I am used to my route by now so I know which sides of the street I usually run on). It's great for when I run down Washington Blvd, or other main streets because I know cars can see me. This retails for $12.00, but lasts over 70 hours!

- apes -

Thursday, January 7, 2010

To run or not to run...and then blog?


So everyone asks me "Have you always been a runner?" My response: "EFF NO!" That's usually followed up then with "Then what made you start?" I then reply "STUPID LEO".

So here's the story.

Leo (my lifetime drinking buddy and I) have decided to try out for the Amazing Race TV show. We decided this about A YEAR AGO! But our lazy asses still haven't made a video to submit. But at the time we were ALL for it (it's his favorite show) and Leo came across the Marine Corp Marathon (MCM) 10k. That's 6.2 miles to run (NOT THE MARATHON!). His exact email was "Hey, let's do this to train for the Amazing Race" Of course I was like "It's only April, this is in October - let's do it!" So then training started: a few days a week I would drive (yes, he only lives 2 miles away, but I AM that lazy) to his house and we would go on a run. I of course would hang for about the first block, then I would slowly lose site of him as my legs started slowing down out of sheer anger that I was submitting them to such torture. Eventually I could last 2 blocks in his pace, and so on.

Then it happened. I was just NOT making any progress. So it was suggested by a co-worker that I should do a small race to get the feel of a race. Enter: Crystal City Twilighter 5k (that's 3.1 miles). So I was all "What the Hell" and signed up.

Long story short(er): I ran the race, it sucked. I then ran 2 more 5k's and got better (YAY ME!). Then the 10k came - and I surprised myself by running the ENTIRE 6.1 miles!! Leo on the other hand didn't run it (yes, it was his idea). So now I was hooked. I signed up for a 5miler after that, and that was my last run of 2009.

...and that's how I came to start running.

So WELCOME 2010! THE YEAR OF THE RUNNER (or at least for me that's what it is).

So yeah, I run. But why should I blog about such a mundane 'sport'?
Easy: I get bored at work, so this will be a fun project (I give myself a month before I get tired of the blogging part). I have a lot of friends who have taken up running, getting in shape, etc. and many of them look for me for encouragement and inspiration (enter sappy song here) so hopefully I can help inspire them even more!! And plus Ashley Jones is blogging and I gotta keep up with her! So check out her blog also (she's MUCH funnier than me):

On the blog I'll write about my runs (haha...not THOSE runs, the racing runs...not THOSE runs either, the training I am doing for the races!). I'll also write about new running gear I pick up, and maybe even some sweet running articles (if they exist). I won't write JUST about running though (yes, this IS a running blog - but let's be serious, I can never stay on track). I'll also write about my adventures in starting to become a Cyclist (that's another story - but the short version is I work part time in a bike shop and I am tired of being a poser), and about other exercise options, banging healthy recipes I cook up, etc. So basically I just described a health blog. WTF?!??! WHO THE HELL HAVE I TURNED INTO?? Stupid "real world".

- apes -