So you know how I said I wanted a trainer for my bday? Well I got one!!! Not a real one, but my friend Spicy has run a few marathons, been sponsored by tons of companies, and even had the opportunity to try out for the Olympics (in mountain biking). However, he hasn't run in a while because he injured his ankle a WHILE back and hasn't gotten back into running yet.
So last night at work I had said I needed to run in the AM and he said he would do it with me. I warned him I was slow, and he thought since he hadn't run in so long that I would SMOKE him. Lots of laughter from me ensued.
So we both got up way early and met at the bike shop. We started running and he warned me he was a chatty Cathy when he ran with others. I warned him I just listened to my Ipod. I was hoping I'd win. I lost. I muted my music and let him chatter away. Once we ran from Clarendon to Glebe Road in Ballston (1.5miles) we turned around and started walking back. He really wanted to push me to keep running, but I wasn't was early, and I wasn't up to par with my old running habits yet. So we walked until we got to Clarendon and ran the rest of the way. We ended up doing a 3 mile loop (baby steps, guys!).
Afterwards we did some core (ab) work and then I headed home to get ready for work.
We are going to try to do this a few times a week (except I'll start riding my bike to the workouts), and he is going to use our run as his warm up, and then go to the gym afterwards, while he waits until it's time to open the shop.
He had mixed some Hammer powder mix for me, it tastes like a strawberry milkshake!!!
I told him he could now be my morning trainer, and it would help him slowly get some activity into his ankle. He mentioned that his ankle felt MUCH better once we started running.
I think running with him with DEF help my speed, when I run by myself I have quite a slow pace, but when running with Spicy I tried to keep up my best, and he wasn't planning on leaving me at all (which I am used to, so I just get in my zone and go), so I didn't want him to walk my pace (he prob could have). So hopefully this will help out with a quicker time.....let's wait and see!
- apes -
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