Well I immediately thought of 2 sayings:
"Float like a butterfly, Sting like a bee" - Muhammad Ali
- weird, because I'm RUNNING not boxing.
"Party like a rockstar, look like a movie star, play like an allstar...." - PitBull
- hmmm, the lyrics don't exactly relate to working out.
Ok, let me take a look at the ACTUAL saying.
This is my version of a bumble bee...

Think like HIM?!?!? He looks like an idiot!
Ok, so think like a moron...now onto the racehorse....

Woah - he looks IN-TENSE (except for that random "proper pinkie" on his left shoe/hand)
Ok, so think like a moron and train super intense? Hmm...let's look more into this.
Here's the story Spicy found on the saying (the subject of his email read "this blew my freaking mind when I read this")
Think like a bumblebee, Train like a racehorse.
An excerpt from Joe Friel's The Triathletes Training bible
A few years ago, as the story goes, scientists at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) developed an interest in the bumblebee. The lab folks reckoned that the little insect held some secrets of flight that may provide answers to questions about operating in space. After all, they asked, how could such small wings produce efficient lift for a relatively large and hairy torso? And how could a round body and flight position that violated many principles of aerodynamics move so effectively through the air? Indeed, there was much to learn form the little hummer.
So the scientists set about studying the bumblebee to discover its flying secrets. As scientists always do, they hypothesized about, scrutinized, examined, dissected, measured, timed, filmed, observed, compared, quantified, thought about, and debated the bumblebee. After weeks of study they came to one conclusion: Bumblebees are not capable of flight.
Fortunately, no one told the bumblebee. The silly insects go right on believing that flight is normal for them despite what the best minds in the scientific world know as fact.
We can learn a lot from the bumble bee. The single most critical piece of the multi sport puzzle is believing in yourself and your capacity to succeed. “If you think you can or think you can’t,” automobile manufacturer Henry Ford said, “you’re probably right.” The bumblebee thinks it can fly. Actually, the thought of anything else never even crosses its tiny mind. It just keeps on flying.
Then there’s the racehorse. Have you ever been to the Kentucky Derby or another big horse race? The physiology of equine athletes is similar to that of human athletes, and they are trained in much the same manner as a runner. They use heart rate monitors, train with intervals and endurance, follow a periodization plan, and eat a diet designed to enhance performance.
Psychologically, racehorses differ a great deal from multi sport athletes. They never question their training preparation. When it comes time for a workout designed by their trainer, they do it without wondering if it’s enough. They don’t go out in the morning and put in a few extra junk miles for “insurance.” They don’t worry and fret after a poor performance. Stable life goes on as usual.
On Derby day, racehorses are nervous just as human athletes are; they know what is about to happen, but they don’t magnify the tension by comparing themselves with the other horses (“Look at the legs on that stud!”). Instead, they are very purposeful in their approach to training and racing. There is but one reason for everyday existence – to get faster. If the horse is physically strong and the trainer is smart, this happens.
If you are to succeed in multi sport, the first thing you must do is believe in yourself just as the bumblebee does. Without this, all of the science in the world won’t do any good. Also, if this book is to help, you must have a purposeful, racehorse trust in your training. Continually second-guessing and changing training direction after every race are a sure way to fail. Think like a bumblebee; train like a horse.
Ok, NOW it makes sense. So guys, don't tell me I can't fly - because I totally can! Or, in realistic speak, don't tell me I can't run a marathon (which no one has said, thanks!!), and I have to think like it's just part of my life. You know, I wake up, run a marathon, go to work. That's what everyone does, right? Ok - well, maybe on Oct. 31st tens of thousands of people wake up and run a marathon...and I'll be one of them!
The racehorse though? That's gonna be a little tough. But I'll see what I can do about training to train, since that's my job (currently more like volunteer work).
My response to Spicy was "I'll be the bumblebee, but I might be more like a foal than a horse". (A foal is a baby horse, in case you were too lazy to google that).
And that's our "Spicy Speak" for today.
- apes -
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