Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sorry I've been away

Ok, I KNOW I haven't posted in like a week. There's good reason. I haven't been running/biking/etc. YES - IT'S TRUE! I SKIPPED A GOOD AMOUNT OF TIME BETWEEN WORKOUTS. Don't be disappointed, ok? Thanks kids.

Anyways. So here's a mash-up blog of stuff I HAVE been doing:

1) 5K Fridays - the first one was last Friday!! WOO-HOO. I didn't go. Enough said.

2) Sunday I didn't have to work at the bike shop, and the weather was BEAUTIFUL! Perfect day for a "let's get back into running run". Then Jack called at the EXACT right time and convinced me to day drink. Enough said.

3) Tuesday (yesterday) a water main broke in Tyson's and we had to evacuate the building. AS SOON AS I GOT TO WORK. So I got a day off. What did I do? I WORKED OUT! WOO - HOO, FINALLY!!

I proceeded with a short run (about 2 miles) and then ended up at the bike shop to grab my bike and bike home. So I pretty much did my own personal mini du-athalon. Then came home and did a little core workout. FINALLY I FEEL HUMAN AGAIN! I can NOT go that long without working out, ESPECIALLY because....

4) I REGISTERED FOR THE MARINE CORPS MARATHON!!! So I have until October to work my body up to run for like 6 (yes, SIX) hours of running (or however long it'll take me to run 26.2MILES).

Ok, so that's the quick and dirty about my exercise life since I last posted. This week I am working on my fitness a little more (unless the guys at the bike shop keep persuading me to hang out after work) so I'll be able to post more.

- apes -


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