Friday, July 30, 2010

Playing in the crosswalk

Wednesday after work Spicy and I went for a run through Clarendon. So we jetted off, and Spicy decided to use the run to work on my stride. I was VERY happy, because even though I have long legs, my stride is SUPER short. I was just never taught how to run correctly. Luckily, Spicy was ready to work with me!

He tried to get me to simply elongate my stride, but I was NOT getting it. So he (knowing me VERY well) decided to make a game. Every time we pass a crosswalk, I would stretch my stride to hit each white line. That would elongate my stride and use my back leg to push me forward instead up my “up and down running” that I usually do. So of course, I LIKE GAMES, so I played along. I def DID feel the difference and hopefully with enough practice I can get my stride to STAY that long.

As we rounded back to the shop, I was going SUPER slow, but once we got to Clarendon metro, I got a second wind and jetted out my long stride all the way back to the shop. It wasn’t a sprint, just bigger steps. Needless to say, I was QUITE proud of myself, and even Spicy was proud of my going as far as I did on my newfound stride.

Afterwards, we rewarded ourselves from our 3.5mile run with a naked juice from whole foods (as it was already 10pm and WAY too late to try and cook something at home)!

I have my anniversary race this weekend: Crystal City Twilighter 5k. This was my first race EVER (besides middle school track) and I am really hoping to incorporate my longer stride and shave off some of my time from last year….so let’s see what I can do!

- apes -


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