Friday, January 22, 2010

Thanks a lot, Mother Nature!

So last night (Thursday) I was off work - which means RUNNING NIGHT!! First I stopped to go grocery shopping, then Ashley (of stopped by. (Sidenote: saying another blog author stopped by makes me sound like a real blogger, eh?)

While we were catching up, I told her how I didn't feel like running at the moment...but after she left I sucked it up and decided to do a short run anyways. AND IT'S A GOOD THINK I DID = I ended up doing a 6mile loop!

I never really know how the run is gonna go, or how long I am gonna end up running until the end. Now normal people will say "I'm going to run for XX amount of time" or "Today I am going to run XX miles" - but not this girl! My train of thought is "OK, let's run" and then I go. Usually my destination is always to the bike shop and back (about 3 miles, give-or-take) and I feel like at least I got a run in. But some days - I'll get to Clarendon Blvd and decide to run down to Courthouse (like I did last night) and then when I run back I decide to run all the way up to Glebe (again, like last night).**

BUT - while I was running last night, I started to feel a little bit of sprinkles coming down on me. Not a lot, just a little bit (not a lot baby girl, just a lil bit - what's that song?)...but then it started getting worse. GREAT, I was stuck running out in the rain. RAIN? Wait - or was it hail? Who the eff knows. Either way, I was getting slapped in the face (in already 30 degree weather) by some sort of condensation. So instead of going UP to Glebe, then back DOWN to Washington Blvd (where my run starts) I just ran on Glebe all the way to 2nd street (where my house is). It was fun to have a different route - I mean, I ended up doing 6miles, so it looks like it worked out well.

Of course, once I got home - it was my favorite part of the run...DINNER!! I sauteed up some green beans and onions, and a pork chop. Man, mix that with a new episode of Grey's Anatomy and I was ONE HAPPY CAMPER (or I guess runner in this blog).

THOUGHTS: so I have 2 ways to do my thinking; when I get good ideas or plan something, its usually in the shower - but when I am thinking about more time consuming things (life, randomness, etc) it usually happens on my runs.
- So last night my though was: RUNNERS ARE CRAZY! Check this: It's 30 degrees out, and you have to go outside. What do you do? LAYER UP - yup, that means pants, sweater, gloves, scarf, winter coat, beanie, etc. But what do runners do? Throw on some tights, a synthetic shirt, maybe a running jacket, (DEF a running jacket for me) and a beanie (well, for me Northface ear warmers). Then we run past all the normal people who are bundled up, like its no big deal. Sound crazy - YUP! And I've also noticed, there are LOTS of crazies out in the winter...I am starting to recognize other runners that I pass on my routes.
- I also thought (yup - lots of thinking in 6 miles) about that old adage: When I am driving a car, I hate runners, and when I am running, I hate cars. How true! When I'm driving down the street and someone is running across my lane (even in a crosswalk) I'm always the first to be like "AW COME ON - HURRY UP ALREADY!" But when I am running, I am always like "YIELD TO PEDESTRIANS, BIA!" and just keep my pace like "HAHA, you couldn't make your turn".

**sorry for those who don't know what roads/areas I am talking about. Move to Arlington and you'll know pretty quickly where I am talking about.

Ok - that's about it for last night...looks like a weekend full of working, so not sure how much running I'm going to get in, but hopefully squeeze at least ONE decent run out.

- apes -


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