Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sometimes a Marathon Just isn't good enough

I was reading the June issue of Runner's World and realized that some people aren't content with just running a marathon...some get a little creative. Check out their stunts:

- Fastest Marathon with a loaded baby jogger: 2hours 32min
I hate when these strollers pass me!

- Longest Scarf knitted over 26.2 miles: 5feet, 2inches

She then sold her scarf and donate the proceeds to charity

- Fastest Marathon run as a vegetable (carrot): 3hours 34minutes

Nothing like getting beat by a carrot...

- Fastest Marathon run as a fruit (orange): 4hours 32minutes

Orange you glad you don't have to run in this costume?

- Fastest Marathon run as an animal (ostrich): 3hours 42minutes

Oh hello...you think you can beat me, huh?

- Fastest Marathon while bouncing a basketball: 3hours 48minutes

Well BOUNCING isn't exactly running now is it?

- Fastest Marathon on STILTS!!: 8hours 25minutes

This is the actual Stilt Girl

- Fastest Marathon while juggling three beanbags: 2hours 50 minutes

Yeah, but how many times did he DROP the beanbags?

- Fastest Marathon finish by a team of 5 runners linked together: 3hours 38minutes
best picture I could find for this

- Best Marathon while running backward: 3hours 43minutes

You may be running backwards, but you still look like an idiot.

So I am not trying to do anything fancy for my marathon...just finish without dying. But at least it'll give me something to look out for while I'm running, maybe I'll end up behind someone else getting their best time while doing a stunt!

- apes -


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